Does Brushing With Bicarbonate Of Soda Whiten Teeth?

People often use baking soda to whiten their teeth at home. Baking soda is a gentle abrasive that can remove stains from teeth.

Studies show that brushing with baking soda toothpaste can whiten teeth effectively.

Baking soda is a good option for removing stains and is cheaper than other teeth-whitening products.

But, it’s important to use baking soda carefully to avoid harming tooth enamel.

Understanding Bicarbonate Of Soda

Baking soda is a white powder used for cooking and cleaning. It can balance acidic things and has many uses at home.

It can help whiten teeth by gently scrubbing away stains. Baking soda may also fight bacteria in the mouth and stop cavities.

Bicarbonate of soda reacts with water or saliva to make carbon dioxide gas, which makes the mixture fizz and foam.

This helps get rid of stains on teeth and neutralize acid in the mouth. But, using too much bicarbonate of soda can hurt tooth enamel and make teeth sensitive.

Use bicarbonate of soda carefully and only as told.

The Science Behind Teeth Whitening

Baking soda is a common ingredient in natural teeth-whitening remedies. It works by removing surface stains from teeth.

When mixed with water, it creates a paste that can scrub away stains caused by coffee, tea, red wine, and other foods and drinks.

Baking soda can also neutralize acids in the mouth, which can prevent tooth enamel erosion and discoloration.

Bicarbonate of soda can remove surface stains, but it’s not as good as professional teeth whitening. If you have bad stains, see a dentist.

Don’t use too much bicarbonate of soda because it can hurt your teeth. Only use it once a week.

Bicarbonate Of Soda and Teeth Whitening

How It Works

Baking soda is a gentle cleaner that can remove stains on teeth. You can mix it with water to make a paste and use a toothbrush to scrub your teeth.

It can remove stains from coffee, tea, and red wine.

Baking soda is also alkaline, which can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease by neutralizing acid in the mouth.

Acid can damage teeth and cause dental problems.


Baking soda can help remove surface stains on teeth, but it’s not a replacement for professional teeth whitening.

Professional treatments work better for deep stains and last longer. Don’t use baking soda too much because it can harm tooth enamel.

Overusing it can cause enamel erosion, which can lead to tooth sensitivity and other dental issues.

Pros and Cons of Using Bicarbonate of Soda

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  • Mild abrasive: Bicarbonate of soda is a gentle abrasive that can help remove surface stains on teeth.
  • Affordable: Bicarbonate of soda is an inexpensive way to whiten teeth compared to professional teeth whitening treatments.
  • Versatile: Bicarbonate of soda can be used in a variety of ways, including mixing it with toothpaste or water to create a paste or using it as a mouthwash.
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  • Abrasive: While bicarbonate of soda is a mild abrasive, using it too frequently or too aggressively can damage tooth enamel and lead to tooth sensitivity.
  • Not a long-term solution: Bicarbonate of soda can help whiten teeth temporarily, but it is not a long-term solution. Teeth can become stained again over time, especially if the underlying cause of the staining is not addressed.
  • Not suitable for everyone: Bicarbonate of soda may not be suitable for people with certain dental conditions, such as gum disease or weakened tooth enamel.

Safe Use of Bicarbonate Of Soda for Teeth Whitening

Brushing with bicarbonate of soda can be an effective way to whiten teeth, but it’s important to use it safely.

Here are some tips for safe use of bicarbonate of soda for teeth whitening:

  • Use it in moderation: Bicarbonate of soda is abrasive and can wear away the enamel on your teeth if used too frequently or too aggressively. Use it no more than once or twice a week, and don’t brush too hard.
  • Mix it with water: To make a paste, mix bicarbonate of soda with water until it forms a thick consistency. This will help to avoid any irritation to the gums or other soft tissues in the mouth.
  • Don’t swallow it: Bicarbonate of soda is not meant to be ingested. If you accidentally swallow some, it can cause stomach upset and other digestive issues.
  • Follow up with fluoride toothpaste: Bicarbonate of soda does not contain fluoride, which is important for preventing tooth decay. After using bicarbonate of soda, follow up with fluoride toothpaste to help protect your teeth.
  • Consider other options: While bicarbonate of soda can be effective for teeth whitening, there are other options available as well. Talk to your dentist about other whitening options that may be more appropriate for your teeth and gums.

Alternatives to Bicarbonate Of Soda for Teeth Whitening

While bicarbonate of soda is a popular and effective way to whiten teeth, there are other alternatives that people can try.

Here are a few options:

  1. Activated Charcoal
  2. Hydrogen Peroxide
  3. Oil Pulling
  4. Whitening Toothpaste


Brushing with baking soda can make teeth whiter, but it’s not a replacement for regular dental care.

Baking soda can remove surface stains, but it’s not a substitute for professional dental cleaning.

Using too much baking soda can damage tooth enamel, so it’s best to use it in moderation and with a dentist’s guidance.

Toothpaste with too much baking soda can also harm teeth, so it’s important to use the right amount.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to brush with baking soda to whiten teeth?

Using baking soda to brush your teeth is safe, but it can harm your tooth enamel if you use it too much or too hard. You should only use it as a toothpaste replacement once or twice a week.

How long does it take for the bicarbonate of soda to whiten teeth?

Baking soda whitens teeth at different rates for different people. Some see results quickly, while others take longer. But, baking soda is not a replacement for professional whitening and may not work for everyone.

How fast does baking soda whiten teeth?

Baking soda can remove surface stains on teeth, but it won’t work as fast as professional teeth whitening. Use baking soda regularly and follow directions for best results.

How often should you brush your teeth with baking soda?

Use baking soda as toothpaste only once or twice a week. Using it too much can harm your teeth and make them sensitive.

What are the dangers of baking soda teeth whitening?

Baking soda can whiten teeth, but it can also hurt them. If you use it too much or too hard, it can scratch your teeth and make them weaker. It can also make your teeth and gums hurt. Follow the instructions and tell your dentist if you have any problems.

Which toothpaste brands contain baking soda for teeth whitening?

Toothpaste often has baking soda to make teeth whiter. Arm & Hammer, Crest, and Colgate are some brands that use it. Check the label to make sure there’s enough baking soda and it’s safe.

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